It’s nice and expensive in Prague. Driving here at rush hour is hell, and the prospects for improvement are comical so far. Add to that the confusion of intersections and trams, and all of a sudden the roads of our capital city become a nightmare for many drivers.

However, there are also traffic oddities in Prague, and our colleague Ondra Svoboda recently came across one such when he was cruising down Husitská Street in the early hours of the morning with his third generation Prius taxi driver.

Specifically, at the level of Husitská 70/24 (exit from the Ponec theater) there is a place where you will stare like Edison at a xenon lamp. There is a column with a STOP sign, a traffic light, an additional table and a button. However, that button is not for pedestrians, but for drivers.

Foto: Apple Maps

You can find a bizarre traffic light in Husitská Street near the Ponec Theater in Prague.

So in order for this traffic light to let you through, you have to stop in front of it, get out, press the button, get in, wait for the green light, and then go. And be careful, the traffic lights also work at night, as my colleague Svoboda experienced firsthand.

So it is a truly bizarre, unconventional and driver-annoying traffic light, which simply does not work automatically like most of its light colleagues. The direction of the right turn is also commanded on the spot, so the presence of a traffic light is all the more unnecessary.

We would like to remind you that if you decide to ignore the traffic light and this offense (running a red light) is proven to you, you face a fine of 4,500 to 5,000 CZK on the spot, or 7,000 to 25,000 CZK in administrative proceedings, and always 6 penalty points . And it’s definitely not worth not getting out of the car…